
June 25, 2018

Do I need a “cafeteria plan”?

With a “cafeteria plan”, money which would normally be used as taxable salary is used, normally tax-free, for services that are necessary like health or child […]
June 25, 2018

What do I need to know about self-insurance?

Self-insurance means the business will pre-determine and pay a portion or all of the expenses of employees in ways similar to traditional health care providers. The […]
June 25, 2018

Employees have what kinds of life insurance plans available to them?

The beneficiaries of an employee may collect death benefits from life insurance if the employee dies during their working years. The two main kinds of life […]
June 25, 2018

What are the typical disability benefits provided to employees?

If an employee cannot work due to illness or accident, the disability plan gives him/her income replacement. These defer from worker’s compensation as they pay benefits […]